My love with Benevolent and Enchanting Culture Hub of City – Mylapore, Chennai, India

Everyone has life and love with our culture. You get your love with people, place and life depending on your attitude and character which in turn evolving from observing while growing up from your childhood and teenage. Some shine, some degrade, some lead an average life in which all depict the flexibility of their mindsets. Living place is also another factor that contributes significant role to enhance yourself personally, mentally and physically in your life. Well, how do you describe your love with a place? Words drive you into imagination world, paintings drive you into the further clear outlet of imagination, Photos explain 1000 words and provide visual feelings as well.
Kapleeswar temple always fascinates me since a kind of aroma is encountered there. Moreover, congested lane, a cacophony of vegetable markets and mouth watering Iyer food in mess are enough to drive you crazy! A lot of people fall into the category of admiring long distant places instead of the place where they lived but it’s good to put some words about your own place before you experience your life in somewhere.
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